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Computer Technologies
Providing Comprehensive IT and Computer Support Services Since 1990!
(510) 523-3832
Our Story:
eon Computer Technologies was founded in 1990 by Robert Cullmann, while attending the University of California at Berkeley, with a goal of providing affordable, quality computer support for small businesses.

Since then, eon has supported businesses of all sizes in a myriad of industries. We have seen and worked with quite a range of systems and configurations, and we have continued to evolve in order to keep up with the rapid pace of new technologies.

Small Business Focus:
We understand the challenges in IT that small and medium sized businesses face, especially if they are just starting out or growing rapidly. We also understand that every business is unique and may have a different set of needs. Our staff has been exposed to a huge range of issues, so we are able to resolve some very complex issues. We also like to find out about our client's businesses in depth in order to help them use technology effectively to improve their efficiency.